At-Home Dog Massage – Initial Consult – Sydney’s St George and Sutherland Shire

Dog massage that comes to you

If your senior dog is showing symptoms of arthritis, like limping, behaviour changes, slowing down, or back legs giving out, it’s time to start treatment. Don’t let them suffer.

A combination of gentle exercises, strength training and hands-on massage can help relieve your dog’s arthritis symptoms.

human physiotherapist
k9 myofascial
trained in RACE
natural therapy approach

A big thank you to Kylie for working with Marlie and me. Kylie showed me ways to incorporate exercise into every day life even with a busy household, she was always available to discuss questions or concerns. Thank you again!


- Susannah Marlie's Mum

Freya is a young dog diagnosed with hip arthritis and dysplasia in both hips. She had significant muscle loss and had less energy to move, movement was uncomfortable and she was overweight. Freya has now lost weight, moves easier and her muscle bulk has returned.


- Kirsty Freya's Mum

Thank you for the fabulous exercise program Kylie. I've noticed Simba is happier on stairs, and is walking better too. He loves the exercises and it's great to know they make a difference.


- Tracy Simba's Mum

dog mobility

Dogs suffer injuries and pain in their joints and muscles just like humans do! 

Just as people develop arthritis and need treatment, so do our dogs, particularly our senior dogs.

If you had joint pain, you’d see a doctor or physiotherapist. Luckily, the same physiotherapy and hands-on massage treatments work for dogs too.

Massage helps reduce your dog’s pain and their reliance on medication. Not only to give them immediate relief but to improve their quality, and length, of life.

What’s more, vet bills and pain medication for dogs are super expensive! If you can delay or avoid joint-replacement surgery and reduce the amount of pain medication your dog needs, it can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Did you know that canine arthritis is the second leading cause of elective euthanasia?

If your dog’s arthritis is managed well, you can delay that day when you have to say goodbye, at the same time improving their quality of life.

What’s more, vet bills and pain medication for dogs are super expensive! If you can delay or avoid joint-replacement surgery and reduce the amount of pain medication your dog needs, it can save you a lot of money in the long run.

The best part is that you get more time with your beloved dog living their best life, with less pain and more energy, more cuddles and good times together.

dogs pain
dog mobility

You don’t need to drag your dog through stressful or painful car rides to rehab. Let the rehab come to your doggy door!

Unlike a stressful trip to the vet, at-home massage keeps your dog calm and comfortable. In their own familiar space, with you by their side.

Save time travelling and get your dog’s massage treatment at your home. It’s perfect for dogs with severe pain, dogs who are unhappy in the car, and owners who are short on time.

I visit dogs who live in Sydney’s Sutherland Shire and St George Shire.

What happens during the initial dog massage visit?

Initial consults take about 45 minutes. We start by having a chat about your dog’s arthritis symptoms, limping, pain and current medication.

Treatment includes massaging your dog’s sore joints and muscles, plus stretches, range of motion and gentle strengthening exercises.

An initial 45-minute session is $160 and includes the convenience of coming to your home.

All subsequent home visits are 30 minutes and $120.

dogs pain

Book your dog’s massage therapy today

Call Kylie on 0417 091 291 today to book your appointment.

I’ll let you know which days I’ll be in your area of Sydney – I currently visit homes in Sutherland Shire and St George Shire.


These are my fluffy babies, Freja on the left and Kiba on the right. They are my world.

As an aged care physio I've treated many cases of arthritis, and the good news is that many concepts can be used for senior dogs with arthritis too.

I believe older dogs deserve to be mobile and pain free.

Strength training for dogs is an under-used tool that can help stop those back legs from going, making your senior dog more comfortable and happier.

30 minute Online Consult
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